Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Next Era in Women's Movement

As women, we love to share the things we love, which I why I’m sharing this with you: the first and only Personal Empowerment Coaching Certification, exclusively for women—The S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer). We know you'll love discovering all our exciting opportunities—even if just for your own personal empowerment!
I know, right? How cool is that?

We all know women are different than men, but if you actually learn the history of what has happened to women (around the world) for century upon century, you’ll realize why we need a program that addresses empowerment in our own way.

Not to mention, our bodies, hormones, even our brains, are wired differently than a man’s. We respond differently to emotional demands and we need to talk in order to release our “stress-relieving” chemical “oxytocin” into our blood streams. Men don’t. It’s factual.

Anyway, this is why I love The S.W.A.T. Institute so much. They are all about women—building a global coalition for us. They not only certify women to become Personal Empowerment Coaches, they offer free Mentorship Coaching to women around the world, who maybe couldn’t afford it otherwise. They also have an amazing magazine that allows all women, of any age and background, to share their expertise and wisdom. Plus, all kinds of giveaways and givebacks.

Click here to - Make sure you ask about the FREE Mentorship Coaching

The S.W.A.T. Institute is a huge part of the next era of the women’s movement and I’m excited to share them with the world!

We're not only riding on the wave of the next era in the women's movement. We are the wave! 

Be.YOU.tiful Woman Shares


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